
To be elibible to receive our services, you must:

  1. Live in Minnesota.
  2. Be dependent in one or more categories of the Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and/or have Level 1 Behavior.
  3. Be receiving Medical Assistance.
  4. Have the ability to make decisions about your own care, or have someone who can make decisions for you.

Getting Started

Getting started is easy! For individuals who are currently receiving care provided by another PCA agency, please read how to transfer agencies. For those who are new to the program, the following is the simple step-by-step procedure on how we begin servicing you:

  1. Contact our office to confirm you are eligible and we can discuss your PCA options.
  2. Call your County and schedule an initial assessment for PCA services.
  3. Meet with a Public Health Nurse (PHN) for your Client Assessment. During your assessment, tell the PHN you want A Caring Company, Inc. to be your PCA agency.
  4. Choose your care service option: Traditional vs. PCA Choice Services.
  5. Call us so we can begin to assemble your team of caregivers. See below for information on choosing your care givers.
  6. Your Qualified Professional (QP) and you (and if applicable, your Responsible Party) develop your Care Plan.
  7. Your QP and your PCA(s) meet with you at your home. Your QP provides any required PCA orientation and training.
  8. Services begin!

Please contact A Caring Company, Inc.'s friendly office staff members at any point for questions or assistance.

Choosing Care Givers

Personal care is personal. As a client, it is very important to have a caregiver that you are comfortable with and can trust. Most long-term caregivers are family members or friends. So if you desire to hire a family member or friend, our staff is ready to help you. Or if you need us to find a PCA for you, we will do our best to match you with compatible assistants. We attain exceptional customer satisfaction by carefully matching caregiver expertise with patient needs. If, for whatever reason, you are not happy with a PCA, we can find another.